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Ci accompagnano fin dalla nascita, ma possono condizionarci solo se non le conosciamo: sono le paure. Vivono nelle nostre profondità e, se vogliamo, possiamo osservarle. E accarezzarle.

Non è facile scoprirle perché sono abilissime nel nascondersi, ma focalizzando l’attenzione sui nostri comportamenti, alcune di loro, come la paura dell’abbandono, la paura del non valere e la paura del lasciarsi andare, si paleseranno ai nostri occhi.

Alfredo è un avvocato di grido, non l’ho mai visto senza giacca e camicia fresca di bucato (deve averne uno stock persino nell’armadio dell’ufficio).

Agli occhi del mondo è un vincente: sul lavoro difficilmente perde una causa, nella vita privata cambia donna ogni volta che finisce un tubetto di dentifricio, è un formidabile sportivo e, nelle conversazioni, eccelle grazie all’innata simpatia e ad una cultura onnicomprensiva dello scibile umano.

Un giorno, per caso (sempre che i casi esistano), Alfredo ha incontrato le parole di Pier Giorgio Caselli, un fisico, anzi un Maestro, che gli ha mostrato tre timori che accompagnano l’esistenza umana. Per il grande Alfredo accorgersi di averli tutti, è stato come ricevere un diretto alla testa da KO tecnico.

Hits: 5114

«Tutto rosso?» urla nel cellulare una signora dall’umore temporalesco. Il battello spazzato dal vento fende le acque del Garda insieme alla trafila di insulti della donna, seduta sul ponte di prua.

Il tempo di porre fine alla litigata, che le invettive esondano già in un nuovo sfogo telefonico: «Come si fa ad essere così…? - impreca mentre l’orizzonte si tinge di tramonto - Uno che non sa fare una, dico una lavatrice, senza rovinare tutto, non è a cento.

E quell’altro? Degno figlio di suo padre! Fuori corso da quattro anni ma, poverino, è da capire. Due calci, altro che da capire! - tuona rabbiosa prima di concludere l’infuocato monologo - Minus habens anche l’impiegata!

Ci credi che ho ancora il water intasato perché quella non riesce a far venire l’idraulico? Una così l’hanno fatta su misura a Botticino!»

Hits: 4966

L’errore è pensare che i problemi del mondo siano talmente gravi da non poter fare nulla, singolarmente, per risolverli; in realtà la salvezza dipende proprio da ognuno di noi e dal nostro desiderio di sincronizzarci sulle frequenze del bene.

Ci riescono i metronomi, a sincronizzarsi, ma anche le lucciole, i pesci, i cuori, gli uccelli, gli applausi…, quindi anche noi; è sufficiente allinearci sulla medesima frequenza e centrare un obiettivo comune a tutti, come quello di rigenerare il meraviglioso pianeta che ci ospita.

Insieme non possiamo fallire.

Il fenomeno della sincronizzazione è chiaramente visibile sia nelle realtà animate, sia in quelle inanimate come, ad esempio, nei metronomi che, posizionati in disaccordo su di uno stesso piano, si accordano e funzionano all’unisono.

Stessa cosa avviene in natura quando i maschi delle lucciole, nel rituale dell’accoppiamento, coordinano il loro ritmo di oscillazione lampeggiando tutti contemporaneamente.

Hits: 5353

È una donna luminosa, Rita; ha figli sani, nipotini affettuosi, una professione di soddisfazione, una casa confortevole e amicizie autentiche. Eppure non è felice. Un tarlo profondo la consuma dentro: è un senso di colpa.

Mi chiedo: perché è così difficile liberarsi dal giudizio di avere fallito o di non essere stati abbastanza bravi? Potrebbe essere così arduo perché ciò da cui vorremmo affrancarci, non esiste?

Rita e Gianni erano ventenni quando si sono sposati e il loro matrimonio non ha funzionato. Nonostante ora siano divorziati e conducano una vita apparentemente senza problemi particolari, sia lei, sia lui, convivono con il tormento dell’errore che li avvolge con una massa informe di pensieri:

Non sono riuscita a dare un papà decente ai miei bambini”, “Non sono stato un padre all’altezza delle aspettative”, “Non ho capito che era troppo immaturo per avere figli”, “Non mi sono divertito quando ero ragazzo, cosa c’è di male se recupero il tempo perduto?”

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Chi lo afferma cade in genere, in errore perché accomuna Skudo®Wave a “prodotti schermanti” con i quali SkudoWave non ha nulla a che fare. Infatti Skudo®Wave non ha la finalità di schermare le onde elettromagnetiche, bensì di agire come prevenzione dal danno biologico al DNA che le radiofrequenze possono causare.

SkudoWave non scherma il telefonino e non interferisce pertanto con le prestazioni del dispositivo sul quale viene applicato; se infatti agisse come un prodotto schermante, il possibile danno arrecato dal telefono cellulare sarebbe addirittura maggiore in quanto il telefonino dovrebbe ricercare  continuamente nuove “celle” di ripetitori alle quali agganciarsi, con un aumento conseguente dell’eccitazione della batteria e quindi delle componenti vibrazionali della materia che compongono il telefonino.

Hits: 16729

Posted by on in NUOVI ORIZZONTI


From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.


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Hits: 18417

Posted by on in PAROLE BELLE


LA MATURITA' di pintaudi

 D "Cos'è per te la maturità"?

 "Niente che ha a che fare con la morale, le ideologie, i valori, i concetti e le acquisizioni. L'unica maturità possibile è una capacità di introspezione che, volenti o nolenti, ci ritroviamo a fare nella vita. Solitamente questo avviene troppo tardi, addirittura molti muoiono prima di maturare veramente, o alcuni poco prima di morire, quando prendono coscienza che tutto il loro passato devono lasciarlo andare, e il loro futuro non esiste più. Solamente in circostanze realmente difficili, a tu per tu con il nulla, la persona è costretta a maturare realmente e, direi, definitivamente.
Infatti la vera maturazione non consente di tornare indietro. Quando accade durante la vita, accade rare volte e in degli istanti precisi, non è graduale. La vita, per come la si conosceva, non potrà mai essere come prima pur essendo, apparentemente, tutto invariato. E' come uno schiaffo, e non è mai dettata ad acquisire, ma sempre a perdere identificazioni."

 D "E possibile evitarlo?"

 "Non è possibile evitare le situazioni, ma è possibile che la maturazione avvenga prima, per una introspezione diciamo, "volontaria".

 D "Ma, in conclusione, cosa intendi per maturazione".

 "Se ti piacciono le definizioni, potrei dire che è banalmente una forma di lasciar andare. Si intende smettere di dare la responsabilità delle proprie disgrazie a chiunque: il mondo, gli altri, me stesso, ecc. Tu sei l'unico responsabile del tuo stato d'animo. Questo ti consente di vivere intimamente con te stesso, smettendo di cercare negli altri e nelle situazioni una forma di compensazione e fuga, o, al contrario, una forma di giudizio e di colpa. Infatti chi vive in questo stato, è costantemente verso l'esterno. Quando smette di andare verso l'esterno, allora colpevolizza se stesso o si compiace. E' costantemente fuori dal presente.

E questo è uno step. L'ultimo step è vedere che lo stato d'animo c'è a prescindere da un "me stesso", quindi a maggior ragione ora nemmeno tu hai meriti e colpe,perché non sei all'interno del processo, e nemmeno fuori. Non ci sei proprio, esiste solo un sentire, che cambia istante per istante. La vita è solo sentire.

 D "E gli organi di senso?"

 "Se intendi vedere, toccare, gustare, odorare, bé, è sempre un sentire. Puoi fare esperienza solo così. Questo porta ad una riduzione dell'attività mentale. Non esiste nessun'altra maturazione possibile."


THE MATURITY ' of Pintaudi

 Q "What is for you the maturity"?

 "Nothing that has to do with morals, ideologies, values, concepts and possessions. The only possible maturity is a capacity of introspection that, like it or not, we are called to do in life. Usually this happens too late, even many people die before reaching a real maturity, or some others just before their death, when they become aware that they must let their whole past go, and their future has gone. Only in real difficult circumstances, face to face with nothing, people are forced to really mature and, I would say, definitely.

Effectively the true maturation does not allow you to go back. When it happens during our life, it rarely happens and in that exact moments, not gradually. Life, as we knew it, will never be as before although, apparently, all remains the same. It’s like a smack, and it is never given to acquire, but always to lose identifications. "

 Q "you can avoid it?"

 "You can not avoid the situations, but it is possible that the maturation comes first, through an introspection, let’s say," voluntarily".

 Q "But, in conclusion, what do you mean with maturation."

 "If you like the descriptions, I could say that it is trivially a form of letting go. It means to stop looking for a responsible for our own misfortunes: the world, the others, myself, and so on. You are the only one responsible for your state of mind. This allows you to live intimately with yourself, and stop looking for somebody else, or in other directions looking for a kind of compensation and escape, or, on the contrary, a kind of judgment and guilt. In fact, those who live in this condition, they are constantly moving outside. When they stop going outwards, then they make themselves feeling guilties or they are pleased. They are constantly outside the present-time (the right moment they are just living now).

And this is a step. The last step is to see that the mood exists independently from "myself", and even more so now not even you have any merit or fault, because you're not inside the process, nor even outside. You are not in there, what exists is a feeling, that changes moment by moment. Life is just feeling.

 Q "and the sense organs?"

"If you mean to see, to touch, to taste, to smell, well, it's always a feeling. It’s the only way You may have experiences. This leads to a reduction of mental activities. No other maturation is possible."

Hits: 20024


Nella stragrande maggioranza dei telegiornali di tutto il mondo risuona con forza l’oscuro slogan pessimistico: “va tutto male”.
 La cronaca nera è un coacervo di tossine psichiche ed emotive che inquinano mente, cuore ed intestino. Rispettivamente vanno ad infilarsi presso: sistema linfatico, sistema circolatorio e apparato digerente. In questi tre luoghi possono prosperare, riprodursi e circolare.

 Attraverso l’accentuazione del dramma della morte, dell’omicidio, della perdita, del disastro o della mancanza, vengono introdotti atomi di sofferenza nel corpo energetico di milioni di persone contemporaneamente.

 I pochi esseri umani che tentano di sganciarsi dalla scia delle informazioni “nere” si ritrovano impossibilitati ad ignorare tali informazioni per “senso di colpa”. Alcuni gridano che il senso di impotenza provato davanti ad una notizia che accade dall’altra parte del mondo non deve fermare il movimento di interesse, compassione e indignazione che giustamente muove dall’intelletto e dal cuore. Poi si ritrovano a parlare della guerra per fermare la guerra. Non può funzionare.

 Non hanno ragione quelli che tengono la televisione accesa e il giornale quotidiano alla mano. Non hanno ragione quelli che spengono la tv, ignorando tutto, e si tappano le orecchie come fanno i bambini che non hanno la forza e il coraggio di sentire ciò che gli viene detto.

 Occorre trovare “la via che passa in mezzo”. Ricordate le parole del Buddha ? Se le corde sono poco tirate, il liuto (un tipo di chitarra indiana) non suona, ma se sono tirate troppo, esse si rompono. Quando le corde sono tese nel modo giusto, né troppo né troppo poco, il liuto può suonare in modo meraviglioso !

 Bisogna comprendere profondamente “come” si generano tutti gli eventi. Imparare a non confondere la causa con l’effetto !

 Ogni evento che accade nel mondo è un riflesso di ciò che accade nella vita psichica degli individui.
 Ogni persona, attraverso la sua emissione mentale, prodotta da pensieri ed emozioni, calibrati su frequenze diverse, genera la realtà intorno a sé.
 Ognuno si ritrova a vivere nello strato di mondo che sta creando.
 Quando parliamo invece di eventi che riguardano la collettività bisogna considerare la co-creazione di un grande numero di individui.

 Per generare eventi negativi di massa, ad esempio, occorre molta più energia e sincronizzazione di intenti di persone.
 Pensiero negativo e lamentela inquinano la mia vita, generando, per risonanza, eventi negativi e “sfortunati” nel mio quotidiano.
 Milioni di pensieri negativi e milioni di lamentele, prodotti da milioni di persone, producono eventi drammatici su scala collettiva.
 Una crisi economica si può generare solo come riflesso di una profonda crisi di valori interna.
 Violenza e rabbia represse e covate da un grande numero di esseri umani sono in grado di partorire eventi con un incremento di violenza ed atrocità che coinvolgono la massa.

 L’evento materiale è la giusta compensazione e realizzazione dell’incapacità psichica di elaborare e gestire singolarmente tali squilibri emozionali.

 La società non è malata, è malata la psiche degli individui.
 La mente si è trasformata in un mostro totalmente ingestibile che inghiotte, schiavizza e gestisce la vita delle anime sulla terra !

 Se si impara a non confondere la causa con l’effetto si capisce perfettamente come sia inutile combattere con l’esterno per curare l’interno.

 Se mi guardo allo specchio e vedo degli occhi stanchi, delle occhiaie e profondi segni di stress sul volto, non cercherò di colorare lo specchio con il fine di modificare il riflesso del mio stato interiore. Eppure questa è la strategia di molti. Lo specchio mi sta dicendo che non mi sto riposando, che sono stressato e non me ne curo, che c’è una fuoriuscita grande di energia individuale.
 Correre ai miei ripari vorrà dire prendermi cura di me, della mia vita, del modo in cui gestisco il mio lavoro, le mie relazioni e il mio riposo.

 Per questa ragione non bisogna ignorare le notizie e gli avvenimenti drammatici del mondo ma neanche allarmarsene.
 Ascoltandoli e prendendone coscienza possiamo comprendere noi stessi. Possiamo capire se anche noi abbiamo fatto la nostra parte, attraverso la nostra emissione mentale, a generare su scala collettiva eventi di violenza, dolore e divisione.
 Possiamo chiederci: “Io riesco a gestire, elaborare ed esprimere costruttivamente la mia rabbia ? Oppure ne sono vittima ?”; “Sono in grado di gestire e creare la mia realtà ? Oppure mi sento schiavo e vittima di un mondo che trovo ingiusto, e che quindi mi porta ad essere insoddisfatto e pieno di rancore ?”; “Riesco ad ascoltare gli altri ? Rispetto le differenze di pensiero e di opinione nella mia vita o no ? Riesco ad aprire il mio cuore ? Oppure vivo nella sofferenza e nell’egoismo ?”
 Non si può criticare e giudicare un mondo di quale siamo i creatori.

 Se uno non si prende cura del proprio giardino, non toglie le erbacce, non taglia l’erba, non cura le piante e i fiori, non si dovrebbe azzardare a criticare, giudicare o dare la colpa al giardino.
 Io non vado in allarme se ascolto e vedo eventi di violenza, divisione e ignoranza. Li guardo attentamente e prendo coscienza dell’inconsapevolezza spirituale che li genera. A quel punto, essendo parte del tutto, mi sento legittimato a prendermi cura ancora più di me stesso.

 In un certo senso, posso dire che ho imparato a trasformare la cronaca nera in “piombo che diventa oro”.
 Più sento che ci sono difficoltà ed energie pesanti, più aumento l’amore e la cura per me stesso e per la mia vita.
 Mi prendo la responsabilità degli eventi del mondo senza nessun carico o ansia.
 Ogni disavventura esterna mi ricorda di aggiustare l’interno.

 Mi occupo del mio giardino con amore, consapevolezza, verità e volontà.
 Lascio la libertà a tutti gli altri di scegliere gli strumenti più idonei alla loro evoluzione, compresa la sofferenza.
 Rispetto il sacro libero arbitrio altrui. E facendo questo rispetto anche il mio.




 In the vast majority of the TV news around the world strongly resounds this pessimistic obscure slogan: "everything goes wrong".

 Crime news are an accumulation of mental and emotional toxins that pollute minds, hearts and guts. Respectively they go inserting in: the lymphatic system, the circulatory system and the digestive system. In these three places they can thrive, reproduce themselves and freely circulate.

 By emphasizing the drama of death, of murder, loss, disaster or lack of, they are introducing simultaneously atoms of suffering into the body of millions of people.

 The few humans who try to break away from the wake of “Crime” information they find themselves unable to ignore such information due to a  "feeling of guiltiness". Somebody cries out that the sense of helplessness felt in front of some news that happen on the other side of the world should not stop the movement of interest, compassion and indignation that rightly moves by the intellect and the heart. Then they get together to talk about the war to stop the war. This cannot run.

 They have no reason those who hold the television on and the daily newspaper in their hands. They have no reason those that switch off the television, ignoring everything, and  shut their ears as children who do not have the strength and the courage to hear what it has being said to them.

 We need to find "the way that goes in between." Do you remember the words of the Buddha? With strings too loose, the lute (a type of guitar Indian) does not sound, Tighten the them too much, they will break apart. Not too loose, not too tight, the lute sounds nice!

 We must deeply understand "how" all events happen. We must learn not to mix causes and effects!

 Every event that happens in the world is a reflection of what happens in the mind of people.

 Every person, through his mental issue, produced by thoughts and emotions, calibrated on different frequencies, generates the reality around him.

All of us are living in the layer of the world that we are creating.

 But when we talk about events that concern the society we must consider the co-creation of a large number of individuals.

 To generate negative mass events, for example, you should use much more energy and synchronization of intents of people.

 Negative thinking and complaint pollute my life, while they generate, for resonance, negative and "unlucky" events in my daily life.

 Millions of negative thoughts and millions of complaints, produced by millions of people, produce dramatic events on a collective scale.

 An economic crisis can be generated only as a reflection of a deep crisis of inside values.

 Violence and repressed and brooded anger from a large number of human beings are capable to deliver events with a growth of violence and atrocities that involve masses.

 The material event is the right compensation and realisation of a psychic inability to individually process and manage such emotional imbalances.

 The company is not sick, sick psyche of individuals.

 The mind has become a monster that totally unmanageable, that swallows, enslaves and manages the life of the souls on earth!

 If you learn not to confuse cause and effect you perfectly understand that it is useless to fight with the outside world to treat the inside.

 If I look at myself in the mirror and I see my tired eyes, dark circles and deep signs of stress on my face, I do not try to paint the mirror with the aim to change the reflection of my inner state. But this is the strategy of many. The mirror is telling me that I'm not resting, I am stressed out and I do not care of it, there's a large spill of individual energy.

 Running my shelter will mean to take care of myself, of my life, the way I manage my work, my relationships and my rest.

 For this reason we must not ignore the news and the dramatic events of the world but not even be worried.

 Listening to them and becoming aware of them, we can understand ourselves. We can see if we have done our task, through our mental issue, to generate scale collective events of violence, pain and division.

 We can ask: "Can I manage, develop and express my anger constructively? Or am I a  victim? "; "Am I able to manage and create my reality? Or do I feel slave and victim of a world that I find unfair, and that leads me to be unhappy and resentful? "; "Can I listen to the others? Am I respecting or no the differences of thoughts and opinions in my life? Am I opening my heart? Or Am I living with suffer and selfishness? "

 You cannot criticise and judge a world  that we have created.

 If someone does not take care of his garden, not weeding, not cutting the grass, the plants and the flowers, he should not dare to criticise, to judge or blame the garden.

 I do not become worried if I hear and see events of violence, division and ignorance. I carefully look at them and I take the spiritual consciousness of unconsciousness that produces them. At that point, as I’m part of the whole, I am even more entitled to take care of myself.

 In such a way, I can say that I have learned to turn the crime in "lead that turns to gold."

 The more I hear that somewhere there are difficulties and heavy energies, the more I increase love and care for myself and for my life.

 I take the responsibility for the whole world events without any load or anxiety.

 Every external mishap reminds me to adjust the inside.

 I take care of my garden with love, understanding, truth and desire.

I give to all the people the freedom to choose the most appropriate instruments for their development, including the suffering.

 I respect the sacred free will of other people. And in doing so even with mine.

 Because I choose to create and manifest a wonderful world around me. Humanity gets "always" what tit has chosen. A choice made in the truth, honesty and  clear love of the heart, always shows itself, wherever and however.

 (Andrea Zurlini)

Hits: 18928

Il bisogno di essere amati

è solo una cattiva interpretazione della profonda voglia

di essere amore

Luca D'Alessandro


Hits: 18349

Charlie Chaplin – as I began to love myself
As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call it “RESPECT”.
As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call it “MATURITY”.
As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE”.
As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call it “SIMPLICITY”.
As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF”.
As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is “MODESTY”.
As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT”.
As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART”.
We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born. Today I know “THAT IS LIFE”!

Hits: 7201

Non permettere a te stesso di cadere nella trappola del dolore e della sofferenza.
Se ti senti non amato o tradito da qualcuno, non cadere nell'abisso per questo motivo.
Tutto l'universo ti ama, l’energia ti ama, così è, anche se ora non riesci a sentire questo amore che è già dentro di te.
Smetti di cercare fuori, non troverai quello che cerchi
Soffri perché cerchi negli altri, ciò che devi imparare a darti da solo.
Non ti completi con un altro, ma con te stesso e con l’energia che ti circonda.
Quando sarai completo, non incontrerai o attrarrai più certe situazioni di dolore e sofferenza, non ti serviranno più.
La pace e l’amore saranno sempre nel tuo cuore.

Dorotea G.P.


Don’t let you fall into the trap of pain

Don’t let you fall into the trap of pain and suffering.
If you feel unloved or betrayed by someone, do not fall into the abyss for this reason.
All the universe loves you, energy loves you, so it is, even if now you can not feel this love that is already in you.
Stop looking outside, you will not find what you are looking for
You are suffering because you’re asking someone else what you shall learn to get by yourself.
You are not filling yourself with someone, but with yourself and the energy that surrounds you.
When you're full, you’ll never meet or attract situations of pain and suffering, you do not deserve them anymore.
Peace and love will always be in your heart.

Dorotea G.P.

Hits: 18953
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  • paoLETTA
    paoLETTA says #
    sono passata da qui e mi sono sentita in un posto confortevole grazie

Sai cosa si fa quando non se ne può più?

Si cambia.

Alberto Moravia


You know what we do when we have had enough?

We change.

Alberto Moravia

Hits: 19237
E tu mi chiedi cosa sia un rimpianto con una parola? È la parola: – Peccato!

Perché prima o poi dimentichi il profumo svanito degli amori finiti.

Quel che rimane è l’odore pungente del mai vissuto.

È il pensiero di aver avuto accanto la felicità e di essersela lasciata sfuggire dalle mani, per gli occhi avvelenati sempre da ieri e mai dissetati da nuovi domani_

(Massimo Bisotti)


Hits: 20864

No matter what is in the present moment,

Accept it as if you had chosen it.

Eckardt Tolle

Hits: 5956


A 7 years-long Journey.

The spur arrived when I was 40 and, by chance, I read something about the Germanic New Medicine ( NMG ) and Dr. Hamer, the initiator.
A few lines describing briefly the "violators" concepts of the NMG, sparked in me an interest that took me by surprise.
I immediately bought a book that deepened those concepts.
In it I found laws, postulates, rocking statements totally unrelated with what I was hearing in respect of the medicine.
I ate up that first book with unbridled curiosity and gradually I understood that this unexpected interest was caused by the need to have answers to questions that I had for years.
Some examples:
"Why am I allergic to pollen since I was 8 and no one was able to cure me? Why are they trying to cure me with drugs whose side effects are far worse than the 'disease' itself? Why these drugs are not healing the cause of the disease, but just work on the symptoms?"

I asked the same questions to the doctors I met, looking for a way of healing. I was looking for answers in books, medical texts, in the scientific literature available on the web, without success. At best.
Oh yes, because when I found those answers, they were nothing but increasing my dissatisfaction and the perception of the state of helplessness and ignorance of medicine in relation to the so-called 'diseases'.

One example for all:
If you ask yourself, "Why am I allergic and others do not?”
The answer given by doctors was, and still is, as follows: "You are allergic because your antibodies have an excessive defensive reaction to the appearance of an external agent "the allergen" in your body." 
This can be confirmed by the intolerants who are reading now.
Well, that answer is it? Is it this an answer that enter into the merits of the cause of the problem?
It is still the description of an effect.

Sure I could feel proud of having" antibodies with superpowers", but my question is still pending ...
I tell you more; as I was insisting and asking: "Why are my antibodies responding in this way, while those of a non-allergic people have a normal response?"

The answers I got, the same all intolerant or ”sick” people general can hear, were those kind of answers that deny the foundation on which the scientific mind and the medicine itself are grounded. As an example: " What do you want me to tell you my dear, you're unlucky" or "The disease is unpredictable, like a tile that falls from the roof" or even "It could be hereditary, do you have any case of intolerance in your family?"

That’s an other life jacket that doctors cling when they do not know what to say.
It deserve to be treated separately and in any case it falls into the category of non-response, however, it casts suspicion on the fact that we can be ill for some others faults.
What do you think about it?
Try the reader to think about the perfection of nature stained by a so big bug.

And where goes the sense of evolution if there was a possibility that a new individual was born equipped by a manufacturing defect, eventually programmed to occur only after a while?
When I talk about this topic with physicians, they immediately fume, grasping the statistics. Statistic figures certainly have a meaning, but medicine uses them in the wrong way when it is not investigating about the cause, looking into the reason of a 'disease'. 

The right question in this case is the following: "Am I innocently inheriting the disease from birth or am I growing up, educated, shaped in a family environment and cultural life that during my early years shape my program habits, behavior, character, lifestyle, ability adaptation, my reactions to the positive and adverse events, and so on?"
It’s time to go back to my need to get the answers about the real cause of physical discomfort, or my 'disease', if you prefer.

My new studies were giving me the first answers.
I was shaken, astonished, and they left me in disbelief at the beginning, frequently forcing me to deepen even more into in order to find more logical and perfect answers.
It is not my intention to go beyond the NMG since it is not the purpose of this article.

I will only say that every wisdom that guide it, it is based on logical research of the original cause of a 'disease' and on the interpretation of symptoms as a signal or an effect of it, and never on the disease itself.
Well! That said, you can imagine how pleased I am to have found in a long time, the answers I was looking for.
Finally, at age 40, I understood the true meaning of 'disease'.
To put it better, I realized that any 'disease' has a meaning .
A meaning.

If you just think it over, try to think of the state in which you are when you discover to be sick without a reason.
Try to think of the difference that can go in the case of a serious 'disease', the one that terrorize us - between someone sick convinced to be unlucky, hit by bad luck, by a divine punishment or a curse that hangs over his family ( inheritance) and another 'sick' aware that the same discomfort is a perfect biological program with a precise meaning.

Compare how a person can deal with a 'disease', maybe said as "incurable" or "bad bad" a person if he is afflicted with questions such as:
"Why me?" Or "What have I done wrong to deserve this?"
and on the other hand how someone else can fight, fully aware of the significance of that 'disease', when he knows that he can work on that message to resolve it completely.
No bad luck. No divine punishment.
Although the temptation is strong, I will not go into explanations or examples nor in the dynamics discussed in the texts I studied.

It is not my job.
I'm not even sure that the answers provided by the scientific sources I have studied are the only ones available.
They are certainly valid, but they do not rule out those other ancient Oriental disciplines that have reached the same conclusions, through different routes.
My goal is just to describe my own personal journey to those who are looking for answers, as I am.
In this regard, I must hasten to add that, having obtained the answers and understood the reason why we are 'sick', after the hangover of happiness unleashed by this new awareness, I immediately realized that I had done only half of my journey.
Here is the new question that aroused in me: "Now that I know why I’m 'sick' , how do I heal myself?"

Awareness is important, but it alone is not sufficient to heal yourself.
As I was able to understand, the NMG, while it represent an infallible and irreplaceable diagnostic tool, it does not tell us completely how to heal ourselves.
It explains us exactly what happens during the healing process, but it is not so precise about how you can start the healing process.
The other half of the journey was just to find out how to do it.

Luckily there are people, doctors, scientists, lovers of real research who are teaching us how to heal ourselves, and they are many more than I expected to find.
They are pure, brave, free from the bondage of the powers that bend the minds to the business reasons. They keep their moral integrity of truth seekers and they are not work for commission.

I have personally met many of them. They taught me that it is true that a symptom is always traceable to a definite conflict still alive and present in our minds, even if we do not realize it, it is also true and possible to work on the mental level to get rid of the symptom and the so-called 'disease'.
I tried it on myself. Are I recovered by allergy and, later, from other diseases.

I became more and more skilled in understanding the conflicts that lie behind a health problem, regardless of whether it's a serious thing or just a sore throat.
It is a difficult exercise at the beginning , but very interesting and evolving, as it is the practice to understand themselves, to learn how to deeper know ourselves.

The more we know ourselves, the investigation research of the conflict becomes easier and the problem resolution faster.
So I completed the second half of my journey in search of the missing answers.
I did not expect that this new ability to deal with the discomforts of health could turn into a method to prevent them at the same time.

To Know ourselves means to be able to predict our reactions to negative events and be prepared to address them in the best way to prevent them from turning into conflicts, which in turn intended to become 'diseases'.
I hope that my experience can be helpful to those who are reading. 

I wrote it here with the awareness that everyone must make his own path, and it should not be read as the 'aim’ of a suggestion to anybody to follow the same steps. 
The message that I would like to give is just to always claim for an answer to your questions, to never settle for false answers. 
It is not easy. I know. 

Very often the "non-answers-answers" are satisfying, they calm down and always set on the wrong track. 
A true answer startles. Often it hurts. It is difficult to understand or accept it at the very first moment. 
Beware then of the answers subside you, but, first of all... 

Ask yourself QUESTIONS!

Hits: 6590


A psychologist walked around a room while teaching stress management to an audience. As she raised a glass of water, everyone expected they'd be asked the "half empty or half full" question. Instead, with a smile on her face, she inquired: "How heavy is this glass of water?" Answers called out ranged from 8 oz. to 20 oz. She replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter. It depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have an ache in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb and paralyzed. In each case, the weight of the glass doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it becomes." She continued, "The stresses and worries in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel paralyzed – incapable of doing anything." It’s important to remember to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as you can, put all your burdens down. Don't carry them through the evening and into the night. Remember to put the glass down!

Hits: 8210